Mascottes Animaux

Secure Payment - Mascottes Animaux

We strive to ensure the security and confidentiality of the data transmitted online by our customers. 

In addition, you have the choice of payment method:

Moyens de paiement mascotte animaux

Credit Card (Visa, Eurocard/masterCard, CB)

The system allows to set up a complete and efficient payment system. Stripe allows you to shop online safely. Acting between a commercial site and a financial institution , the secure payment solution Stripe this highly secure pages for entering your payment information . Stripe is based on the approach quality (ISO 9004 quality of service) and maintain continuous monitoring of all the 24 / 24 services , 7/7 and 365 days / 365 to guarantee an availability of nearly 100% .

Paypal (Visa, Eurocard/masterCard, CB)

PayPal helps protect your credit card information with the best systems on the market for security and prevention against fraud. When you use PayPal, your financial information is never shared with the merchant. 

Paypal: No need to sign up to pay by PayPal: you pay with your credit card OR with your PayPal account. PayPal is as secure as the bank, and in the same way we do not have access to your details. To use this payment method, you must have an account with the PayPal company. If paying by PayPal, it is the Paypal terms of use apply.


You can pay by bank transfer, details of our account you will be issued at the end of the mail order process. The average period of Interbank transfer is 3 days. We prepare your order as soon as your payment is credited to our account.


We use a secure payment online SSL (Secure Socket Layer) enabling all phases of payment, be fully encrypted and protected. At no time, we are not aware of your credit card number and it is stored on a server.

When paying online by credit card, the customer must provide the type of his payment card number, payment card, expiration date and security code.

For other delivery destinations or Country: payment is made only by credit card or bank transfer. Animals Mascots. reserves the right to verify personal information provided by the customer to avoid any fraudulent payments (bank and domicile documents).

Animals Mascots will also be free to proceed with the cancellation of a direct command that would present one or more risk factors for fraudulent credit card use. Regulations by “worth” issued by the services Animals Mascots for use on the entire range of products presented on the site, are indeterminate date.

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Different choices of payment method available

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